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Either or in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2017-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: emperoreitherwhether orneitherconquerorperorationneither norsooner or later
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1. Could either or both factors be the trigger?
2. Please contact either or the Office.
3. Changes in either or both will produce changes in recorded crime trends.
4. Do you have either or both double-glazed windows and window locks?
5. This can be discerned in either or both of two senses.
6. The alternative option is a structured bankruptcy of either or both firms.
8. China will not be a superpower, not either or ever in the future.
9. You can change either or both of these rules by resetting corresponding compiler options.
10. If there is sufficient interest for a return visit to either or both the nI will be pleased to arrange the day.
11. The enabling act can provide that the instrument is to be laid before either or both Houses of Parliament.
12. Massless electron neutrinos playing at being heavy tau neutrinos might help solve either or both.
12. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
13. Stewards will be needed for both front of house and backstage plus programme sellers - either or both performances.
14. Manual Switch Operation : Under load, with door closed and with either or both sources energized operation.
15. Indeed, the Code established the position of judges who might preside over hearings at which both documentary and oral evidence might be presented by either or both sides to prove their arguments.
More similar words: emperoreitherwhether orneitherconquerorperorationneither norsooner or laterbitter orangein either eventfor better or worsetake it or leave ithither and thitherfurorerrorjurordeityfuroreterrormirrorhorrorauroraforfeitdeceitso be itmake itlose italbeitby errorpro rata
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